What Science Says About Your Spiritual Song
As a worship leader, artist, or songwriter, you have a spiritual song, an authentic sound that is unique to you.
This is seen in the culture of an East African tribe. When a couple wants to conceive, the woman goes away to be alone until she hears the song of her unborn child. Once she believes she has heard it, she returns to the village and sings it to her partner. When she gives birth, the midwives sing it during childbirth. At significant events in the child’s life, such as puberty and marriage, the song is sung again. Finally, at the child’s funeral, it is heard once more then, it is never sung again. It was unique to the child – no one else had this song.
Even science is proving this idea to be true.
In 1986, geneticist and biologist Susumu Ohno discovered that he could take DNA sequences in living things and translate them into musical scores. Because they formed a pattern, much like music forms a pattern or sequence of notes, he discovered that it could easily be translated into a musical piece. These pieces are often complex in nature, and stunningly beautiful to listen to.
You are not just a mash of flesh bone and cells! The very fabric that makes you who you are is a song the world needs to hear. The quest for all of us is to find out what that song is – which we will explore in some upcoming posts.
In the meantime, have a listen and read DNA sequence music here by one of my favourite DNA composers Stuart Mitchell: http://www.yourdnasong.com.
Question: What is your song? What’s hiding behind what you think people want to hear, and who you really are?
PS: I share about this topic in great detail in my book “The God Artist – The Quest For Supernatural Influence” available on Amazon or from our bookstore HERE.