Released 24th September 2022

I saw in the spirit an ancient door, a door that when opened allowed demonic spiritual authority to reign in Melbourne. I saw as intercessors prayed this door was sealed until the strongman was destroyed.

Then I saw a demonic stronghold over Melbourne that is trying very hard to remain in command. It has been here for about 18 years and has grown in strength during this time. (Please note I am talking about a spirit not a person although obviously, people can operate under this spiritual stronghold.)

The agenda in the pandemic did not turn out the way that these principalities anticipated or expected. This has been because the intercessors stood at their post. But the strongman’s tactic has been to find a way for these prayer warriors to abandon their post. Currently, the tactic of the enemy has been to lull many into a false sense of security so that they would relax their prayers.

I then heard the Lord say “Do not be lulled into a false sense of security. For there has been a demonic agenda from those in political power to act as if they are pulling back so that the saints would feel all was well. This in turn means some saints have fallen asleep.”

But the Lord says, "My prayer warriors, do not abandon your post in this hour, get back on the wall, stand in the high places and keep your eyes open. For the enemy would desire to approach and reproach. He wants to take you by surprise, so you must continue to be on the lookout in the spirit. As you see, pray against these wicked principalities and powers that wish to create an opening via my beloved Melbourne into the rest of the nation. For there is a door the enemy is wanting to open that would give him a greater foothold, but if my people will humble themselves and pray, he will not be successful. Your role in prayer is to keep the ancient door shut until this strong man comes down.”

And the Lord says “Many felt I abandoned them, they felt confused in Melbourne. But my children you must know I love you with a love everlasting. It was not an abandonment it was a REPOSITIONING. I am awakening my bride. So do not fall back into the way things were, and do not believe the lie that I have not been working behind the scenes.”

“Joshua said to my people and I say it again unto you: ‘How long will you wait before you begin to take possession of the land that the Lord, the God of your ancestors, has given you?’ (Josh 18:3) For I am creating my own strong city, I am restoring my watchmen on the walls and I am ready for you to take possession of the land!”

I then saw a mighty wave of prayer being released through these watchmen prophets and prayer warriors. In response to this, I saw the strong man falling from his tower. And I then saw a new strongman from the Lord taking its place.

I hear the Lord say “As people pray with power and LOOK from the walls out across the land, you will see and pray before it appears near to you. Pray as you look into the distance, a new dawn can age over Melbourne and Australia, but it will not be done unless my prayer warriors partner with me to see the pulling down of these strongholds.. Arise my children! PRAY, LOOK, and do not abandon your post”!

Roma Waterman2 Comments