I Saw Angels With Treasure Chests Coming Down From Heaven

During a time of worship I saw many angels coming down a stairway that stretched from heaven to earth. These angels had golden, translucent skin that glistened in the light. Under their arms, each angel carried a golden treasure chest.…

As they descended the stairway, they reached land and I knew immediately it was the shores of Australia. They stood on the edge of a sandy beach line and waves lapped at their bare feet.

As they touched the ground, they laid down their treasure chests and faced them outward toward the nations. These angels were positioned over every borderline of Australia.

Then I saw the worshippers of Australia come from all the regions of the land. They walked to the shores and stood in front of the treasure chests, facing inward so all they could see was the land of Australia.

The angels kneeled down and opened the treasure chests. I thought I would see rubies and diamonds, but what surprised me was there were no precious jewels inside. When the angels opened these chests, a SONIC BOOM was unleashed that sent shockwaves across the land and to other nations. The waves responded by rising even higher, and the air was thick with the glory of the Lord.

The worshippers who were standing in front of these treasure chests opened their mouths, and this glory shockwave sound filled their mouths.

The sound that had been sent from heaven filled their bodies and mouths, and it was so full it could not be contained there. As quickly as their mouths were filled, it spilled out and poured over the nation. I saw the centre of Australia filled with the sound of Heaven, and it spread to every corner of the nation. Quite naturally and without effort, this sound reached every corner of the globe, yet the worshipers intention was on Australia. They were laid down lovers for the melodies of the Lord for the land.

And I began to weep. I then heard the Lord say, “There is an ancient glory sound I wish to release and unleash that comes from Australia. It is a sound of worship like no other. And as the worshippers allow it to fill their mouths, their voices will become a CATALYST of AWAKENING that causes the land to shake. I will use my sound in their mouths to hit the nation at its core to cause a HOLY DISRUPTION OF GLORY.

And as they worship, they must keep their gaze fixed on what I want to do in Australia. And as they become intentional in this, the unique roar of Australian worship will create shockwaves across the earth. The authentic expression they will release will AWAKEN the ancient sound of other lands.

“But this is also a warning,” says the Lord. “Worshippers, position yourselves in a way that your unique melodies are not lost or hidden. For you will truly be a template for what I wish to release in other nations. Allow me to fill your mouth with Heaven's roar and allow your heart to be moved by what I want to do in your lands. Look inward and not outward. It is time for intentional songs and even indigenous and regional sounds to become a priority. Watch what I will do as you lean into this—you must pay attention!”

Isaiah 42:10 (ESV)

"Sing to the Lord a new song, his praise from the end of the earth, you who go down to the sea, and all that fills it, the coastlands and their inhabitants."

A treasure chest

A sonic boom

I’ll fill their mouths

Then fill the room

A song that sounds like

A holy disruption

It is Heavens roar

Without interruption

A catalyst of awakening

For my ancient nation

Will create shockwaves of glory

Throughout all creation