Does God speak in dreams? My experience this week...
Does God speak in dreams?
Do you wonder if God speaks in dreams?I want to share with you an encounter I had with the Lord this week. But before I do, we can read several stories in the Bible of the Lord speaking to His people in dreams.
There are many scriptures about the Lord speaking in dreams
Job 33:14-15 NIV“For God does speak – now one way, now another – though man may not perceive it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on men as they slumber in their beds...”Genesis 46:2 NIV“And God spoke to Israel in a vision at night and said, ‘Jacob! Jacob!’ ‘Here I am,’ he replied.”Acts 16:9 NIV“During the night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him, ‘Come over to Macedonia and help us.’”Acts 18:9 NIV“One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: ‘Don’t be afraid; keep on speaking, don’t be silent...’”
God does speak in dreams, and He still does today. Maybe you have experienced this yourself.
I believe God speaks in dreams, and He did for me just this week
I want to share with you an experience I had this past week where the Lord spoke clearly to me in a dream. I am sharing a bit of my struggles here but I want to be transparent to you because I believe God is wanting to speak more and more in your dreams, as well as in mine.
My struggle with endometriosis
For you to understand the significance of this, I need to share with you my history and where 'the rubber hit the road' leading up to this dream.Since I was a teenager I have had an auto immune condition called endometriosis. I am believing the Lord for healing with all my heart and I have definitely had some wins over the years of which I am grateful for, but I am still anticipating the day when I will be completely healed of this awful disease. The testament of God's grace is that when we are weak, He is strong! There's been so many times when I could not trust in my own abilities and strength, but the Lord has never ever let me down…not once.
My prayer to the Lord
As I have pressed in to more of what God has for me in this season, I have been bringing this to him. I have asked "Lord, how can I travel or do much more if this keeps hindering me? Is there anything I can directly pray into that I am unaware of?" I have felt this yearning in my spirit that God has wanted to reveal the root cause of endometriosis to me so that I can pray effectively with understanding.
We may never know the root cause of sickness…and that's ok because He is still the Healer!
Now let me pause for a minute here and say this - sometimes we will never know why certain sicknesses avail us. But God is bigger than all of that. We can pray and trust Him even we when we don't understand. He is in control and is the Healer! So don't get discouraged if you can't understand why things are happening to you, because He is still IN you and working THROUGH you. You are not a failure if you are not well.In this instance, I have felt an increased longing to know the root cause. I have felt it has been the Holy Spirit prompting me to search deeper.And then this week after praying about this….I had a dream.
My Dream
I dreamt I was in a church in the USA sharing my heart with a minister that I know of, but in real life I have never met before. I am talking to him about my life and ministry. Standing next to him was a huge body guard standing tall, who somehow I knew was the Holy Spirit.All of the sudden this minister says to me: "Roma, there is a generational curse of sickness that has been over your life, and it comes from your fathers line, and it has to do with the heart. The Lord is going to heal you of this today".
What does this all mean?
Wow! This dream revealed a strategy for my prayers. I now knew what to pray. I now knew the root cause and I could pray directly into this condition with revelation.Your sickness is not youOne thing that really struck me was when you have a long standing illness, you think it's a part of you - part of your make up. This is because you have not functioned without sickness around you. When this happens, you think it's you, until it leaves you and you realise that the real you was hiding underneath all along. That's how I have felt this week after this dream. In my dream, after the minister spoke this over me, I felt such freedom and healing! And I woke up feeling amazing! I look forward to seeing what will come in the next few months as this begins to unfold in my life.I have begun to imagine what my life looks like without endometriosis. The things I can do without it's hinderance. And gosh, I'm excited!
Hope does not disaPpoint
Are you sick? Do you need answers? Do not let disappointment direct your life. Choose to dream, regardless of the outcome. We can dream because hope does not disappoint: "Such hope [in God’s promises] never disappoints us, because God’s love has been abundantly poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us." Romans 5:5 AMPDon't ever fall into the trap of thinking "I can't hope for more just in case it doesn't happen". That's exactly what the enemy wants you to think so that you will retreat and do and be less than you were created for.So…God does speak in dreams!
What is He wanting to say to you tonight? What is He wanting to reveal to you as you rest? Ask him to give you a dream. I know the Lord can speak in many ways - so why don't you ask Him to speak to you in your dreams.And for those of you struggling with any sickness and disease in your body, let's stand together and declare that "you were wounded for His transgressions, bruised for YOUR iniquities. The aggravation of YOUR peace was upon HIM, AND BY HIS STRIPES YOU ARE HEALED!" Is 53:5-6Please feel free to write to me and share your stories, and I'll stand with you as you dream and believe for more.Can't wait to go to sleep tonight :)Standing with you,Roma XX!