As I was praying about next year, the Lord said to me "2022 will be the year of the little voice". 

He immediately reminded me of this scripture: 

1 Kings 19:11-12

Then he was told, “Go, stand on the mountain at attention before God. God will pass by.” A hurricane wind ripped through the mountains and shattered the rocks before God, but God wasn’t to be found in the wind; after the wind an earthquake, but God wasn’t in the earthquake; and after the earthquake fire, but God wasn’t in the fire; and after the fire a gentle and quiet whisper."

I sensed the Lord saying that He is going to speak to us in new and fresh ways in 2022. The season we have had has felt like a hurricane, an earthquake, strong winds and fire. He was of course speaking right through it all, but now in this new season, there is something incredibly precious about that quiet whisper. The whisper reveals the secrets, the longings of the heart, that which is not appropriate to be shouted from the rooftops but revealed tenderly to the heart! His secrets for those whom He loves will be revealed in that quiet whisper!

I sense we must position ourselves next year in a way to hear this whisper.  The year of that little, still small voice - which when we turn our ear becomes the centrepiece of our lives! We no longer focus on the storm but on the sound of His voice.

As I pondered this I sensed him saying this to me: 

  • 2022 - It won't be easy, but it will be fulfilling; 

  • We still have some time left in the war, but we will win it;

  • Restrictions will be stifling for some, but those who hide themselves in the Lord will be freer than ever before;

  • He is teaching us true freedom which is not reliant on the physical realm but the kingdom/spiritual realm;

  • We as a church will move from RUIN to REVIVAL;

  • There is a dismantling so there can be a rebuilding.

  • Some things will seem big and impossible in the moment, but it will all be smoke and mirrors and fizzle out as fast as they are announced- so do not be alarmed by what you hear or see- stay true to His word and His voice. 

The year of the still small voice means a year of hearing the quiet whispers of the Lord as He shares his secrets with those who can quiet themselves amidst alarm bells ringing - for them there will be victory, first in the spirit and then in the natural! 

2022 is going to be a wonderful year full of His blessings over you! Lean into His voice today and do not fear the noise around you - the greater sound is coming! Speak Lord- we are listening.